Media Release 23 February 2023
International Women’s Day Event
Coinciding with Newcastle Stakes Race meeting, the sold-out International Women’s Day (IWD) event on Friday, 3 March at Newcastle Racecourse will raise money for local charities Equi Energy Youth and Mosaic Cultural Connections and has again been embraced as the perfect occasion to celebrate with clients, colleagues and champagne and listen to inspirational stories of achievement from fellow women.
The theme for the 2023 International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity. This year’s theme encourages a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination, a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive and a world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality and can challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to bias and seek out inclusion. To embrace equity means to understand the journey required to achieve women’s equality. Attendees of the IWD event will hear from guest speakers from both EquiEnergy Youth and Mosaic Multicultural Connections.
Newcastle Racecourse CEO Duane Dowell states, “Newcastle Racecourse is proud to facilitate what is a popular and successful event each year on Newcastle Stakes Day with our International Women’s Day Luncheon.”
“As well as the opportunity to recognise and embrace equality, we are delighted to be able to raise funds for EquiEnergy Youth and Mosaic Multicultural Connections and assist in making a real difference to the lives of those who rely on the support of these two worthy charities.”
The day is supported by Newcastle Racecourse as well as other local businesses including (A-Z): Charlestown Square, Commonwealth Bank, Hall & Wilcox, Kloster, Matthews Jewellers, People Fusion, The Prince Of Merewether and Prosperity Advisors Group.
Since its inception in 2018, the event has raised in excess of $95K for various local charities. With prominent MC Newsreader Jane Goldsmith, the event hopes to top last years record breaking fundraising efforts of $34,000 and promises to be a fun-filled afternoon trackside at Newcastle Racecourse.
Further details can be found at: Newcastle Racecourse International Womens Day
About the charities:
EquiEnergy Youth is a not for profit and registered charity
- exists to improve mental health outcomes for the community by reducing instances of psychological distress, self harm and the risk of suicide in young people
- specialise in delivering evidence based mental health coaching, education and awareness programs to government and non-government organisations as well as families/carers.
Mosaic Multicultural Connections
- Assisted people from migrant, refugee and multicultural backgrounds, and multicultural communities across Newcastle and the Hunter, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, New England and North West regions
- provides care, support and, services in the areas of settlement, families and young people, aged care, and community development.
- is reaching more people and having a deeper impact in the lives of multicultural people and communities in the areas we serve.
- People in NSW come from more than 307 ancestries, speak 215 languages and dialects, and follow 148 different religious beliefs
For further details, or to arrange an interview contact with CEO Duane Dowell please contact Marketing Coordinator, Isabella Heintze. P: 0402942 394 or E: isabella@njc.com.au