Friday 26 June 2021
From Saturday June 26, 2021 the Newcastle Jockey Club will commence using the new race day tie- up stalls situated off Darling St. This complex contains:
- 126 tie-up stalls (four of which are fitted with misting sprays for any horse which is showing signs of distress or overheating issues throughout the day)
- 7 wash bays
- 3 swab stalls
- Vet office
- Male and female toilets (fitted out with showers)
- Industry lunch-room with a vending machine and drinks etc. Tea and coffee will be provided free of charge.
Float entry will be off Darling St, with staff stationed at this entry to direct traffic and enforce entry restrictions to non-industry personnel. Float drivers will have the option to park immediately and unload horses or alternatively can drive to a “drop off point” where horses can be unloaded and then the float parked. This entry will be for INDUSTRY PERSONNEL ONLY as no unlicensed person will have access to the tie-ups. Exit from the complex will be via the same gate.
The entry off Lowe St. is not to be used on race day as it is a requirement of our DA that this entrance remain locked while a race meeting is conducted.
Horses will then proceed to the Eastern End of the complex for arrival registration (as is current protocol) and directed to their relevant stall.
Trainers are advised that they MUST supply their own tie-ups as chains are not part of the new complex, in line with what happens at metropolitan tracks.
Newcastle trainers are advised that horses ARE able to be walked from the Lowe St. stables to the new tie-ups complex. Horses walking from the stables will enter through a gate at the Eastern end of the complex, adjacent to the main entry point, and will be clearly sign-posted.
Owners and racegoers will have the opportunity to view the horses from designated “viewing lanes” which run parallel to the stalls in a fully-fenced, secure environment. All stalls can be viewed from these lanes, with horse and trainer’s names clearly displayed on LED signage. Access to these lanes for owners and the general public is via the lawn in front of the “Trackside Marquee”. To avoid the embarrassment of being asked to leave, please remind your owners that they cannot enter the industry-only space.
Jockey’s parking will not alter with the opening of the new tie-ups however the point of entry to the racecourse will. Jockeys will now enter via the gate adjacent to the equine pool and proceed to their current carpark. There will be a staff member stationed at this gate to direct traffic and to register those entering through this gate, noting that only Licensed Jockey’s and Racing NSW staff will be allowed entry through this point.
Please direct all enquiries to Dave Dyson, NJC Track and Facilities on M: 0435 698 486 or E: dave@njc.com.au
- Friday, June 25 2021