• In compliance with the NSW Public Health Order, any person living in the Northern Beaches of NSW must not attend Newcastle Racecourse on Boxing Day.
    • Any person that has attended any of the NSW venues listed HERE on the dates specified must not attend the Newcastle Racecourse or a RNSW licensed premises and must in accordance with the NSW Government Health Department requirements self-isolate for 14 days after attending the venue AND undertake a COVID-19 test.
    • Any person whom are experiencing the following symptoms must not attend the Newcastle Racecourse.
      • Runny nose
      • cough
      • Sore or scratchy throat
      • Fever
      • Loss of smell or taste
      • Shortness in breath
    Information provided by the Department of Health has advised that COVID-19 spreads from person to person most likely in the following ways:

    • close contact with an infectious person;
    • contact with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze;
    • touching objects or surfaces (like doorknobs or tables) that have cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person, and then touching your mouth or face

    All persons attending racecourses are encouraged to download and have operational the COVIDSafe app, including having their Bluetooth settings turned on whilst attending.

    NSW heath recommends the wearing of face masks where social distancing is difficult to maintain.

    In order to deliver a COVIDSafe raceday and enable us to continue to welcome guests in 2021 we ask you to:

    • Observe 1.5 metre social distancing at all times
    • Move with purpose to purchase food and drinks, place a bet or use the restroom amenities. Stay seated at other times.
    • Consume all beverages sitting down whilst sitting inside

    These measures are in place to protect patrons and staff, and your cooperation will help ensure that we can continue to welcome racegoers back throughout the summer.