Gary Harley – Selections – 01.10.24

    Gary Harley Selections- 01.10.24

    Race 1- Red Funnel Food Distributors Provincial Maiden Plate 1250m

    Selections:      8- Lady Ichikawa          6- Frosty Jo                      3- Jared


    Race 2 – Prince Of Merewether Provincial Maiden Plate 1250m

    Selections:      7- Rennata       13- Justice Please                       3- Jump In The Line


    Race 3 – The Advisor Collective Maiden Plate 900m

    Selections:      5- Force Red                   6- Gattodance               14- Enhance


    Race 4 – Rarity Wholesale Maiden Plate 1500m

    Selections:      8- Firm Agreement     13- Viktor          14 Tiamo Tanto


    Race 5 – Prosperity Advisors Group Midway Class 1 handicap 1500m  

    Selections:      13- Outcast Girl            6- Royale Velouté        2- Master Riley


    Race 6 – Williams Designer Homes Conditional Benchmark 68 Handicap 1500m

    Selections:      1- Amicus Curiae         4- BeReal          5- Magicon


    Race 7 -Allied The Careful Movers F&M Benchmark 64 Handicap 1250m

    Selections:      8- Ace’s In Bloom                        6- Miss Couver              10- Titanium Miss


    Race 8 – Dailey Family Funerals CG&E Benchmark 64 Handicap 1250m

    Selections:      13- Yoshinobu               3- French Marine         14- King’s Duty